Professional whitening works to safely and comfortably transform stained, yellow teeth.

White, stain-free teeth can make you look years younger. A smile full of teeth free of yellow or brown discoloration also exudes health, energy, and self-confidence. VanderLaan Family Dentistry can help all sorts of patients in and around Byron Center, Michigan, restore their youthful and exuberant smiles. Furthermore, as a trusted family dental care provider, Dr. Matthew VanderLaan and our team support the most comfortable, safe, fast, and predictable teeth whitening experience. You deserve the best of both worlds – results that complement your skin tone and facial features and align with your goals and a pleasant treatment process. 

The professional difference 

Many patients may have been disappointed by the results of OTC whitening toothpaste, kits, and other products. Store-bought products are limited in their capacity to make a noticeable difference in the color of your teeth. As dental professionals, we have access to active whitening ingredients. These active ingredients are also sufficiently concentrated in the gels that we use. Additionally, Dr. VanderLaan customizes every aspect of the process to your needs, preferences, and goals. So, you have assured a comfortable, sensitivity-free, and low-risk experience while getting natural-looking results. 

As with all treatments and services available at our office, the whitening process starts with a consultation and evaluation. Dr. VanderLaan will confirm that your teeth and gums are healthy before starting treatment. He will also discuss options for patients with existing crowns and other restorations because such dental work is not responsive to professional whitening gels. 

Generally, patients have two options at our practice. They may choose from the following: 

  • In-office or power whitening – Lighten your teeth with several shades in just one visit! Dr. VanderLaan evenly applies the whitening gel to your teeth. The surrounding tissues are protected to ensure optional whitening results and the most comfortable and safe treatment. This is a great option for individuals ahead of an event, like a graduation or wedding. 
  • Take-home whitening with custom trays – Gradually yet dramatically whiten your teeth from the comfort and convenience of home! Your dentist will provide you with custom-fit whitening trays or oral appliances. Simply fill the trays with the whitening gel and wear them as directed. The gel is transferred evenly and comfortably to your teeth. Stains disappear after several days. We can also provide you with special whitening strips that work

For added peace of mind, we use leading whitening products and systems, such as Zoom! by Philips. Some patients may even choose both methods, kickstarting treatment in the office and sustaining their lovely results with take-home trays or strips. Lastly, for some types of discoloration (such as chalky white spots), we may recommend other products like MI Paste® by GC America. This product addresses the cosmetic effects of enamel damage by restoring vital minerals to the teeth. 

Call (616) 288-2554 to schedule your smile consultation at VanderLaan Family Dentistry in Byron Center, MI.

Before and After Teeth Whitening

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VanderLaan Family Dentistry - Tooth whitening Before and After 2
VanderLaan Family Dentistry - Tooth whitening Before and After 3